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Open your store on Farmart & reach
millions of buyers all over the world.
There’s no better way to showcase your products to a massive, tech-savy audience.
Our contracts are based on the idea that a happy vendor makes for the best partner.
Watch your products sell on Farmart and grow your business with every sale.
Free Commisson
Open and operate an online store at no cost
Nationwide Delivery
Sell across the nation
Monthly Traffic
Grab to chance to reach a large customer base
Platform Support
Assist you in managing your store and orders
About Vendor Program.
Farmart E-Commerce gives you a chance to quickly and easily find the phone you want and have it delivered to your home in no time, regardless of your location, as long as it is in one of the countries of the EU.
When a company is in the business of selling large equipment or technology to businesses, often purchasing through cash is difficult. But the customer might not really be interested in taking a loan and going through all the hassle in order to make that purchase. In such a case, the company provides financial support to the customer through a vendor program like paying in instalments. In a vendor leasing program, the company is effectively buying its own products at that point of time and still increasing its sales.
Registed users
Daily ordered
Daily page visits
Growth per year
Top global brands
Advantages you can expect when you sign up for our equipment leasing vendor program.
Read the articleEasy To Getting Started.
Whether it’s beginning an exercise program, getting going with a task you want to complete, or creating a new business or product from scratch how do you get started? It’s one of the most intimidating things. It’s the lack of starting that kills most tasks and projects.
- Register your
seller account01. Register
- Upload at least 1 product to start selling right now
- Single product upload
- Mass product upload
- Bundle
- List your products
02. List your products
- Upload at least 1 product to start selling right now
- Single product upload
- Mass product upload
- Bundle
- Use tools and sell
03. Use tools and sell
- Upload at least 1 product to start selling right now
- Single product upload
- Shipping
04. Shipping
- Upload at least 1 product to start selling right now
- Single product upload
- Mass product upload
- Receive money
05. Receive money
- Single product upload
- Mass product upload
- Bundle
Success Stories.
Every member of the Farmart team knows that this is more than a job; this mission is essential to our survival because agritech has presented us with a unique opportunity and the possibility to achieve global food security.
Antony Buster
Founder of Nockymart
"We can't understand how we've been living without
Farmart. Absolutely wonderful! I don't know what else to say. Great job, I will definitely be ordering again!"
Eloise Jayceon
Founder of GonasStore
"I couldn't have asked for more than this. Farmart is the real deal! Farmart has really helped our business."
Kylee Amelia
Founder of CenFarm
"We're loving it. I don't always clop, but when I do, it's because of market. We've used Farmart for the last five years. I just can't get enough of Farmart. I want to get a with pleasure on it so I can show. “
Dione Jacquelyn
Founder of FaFarm
"Farmart is the most valuable business resource we have EVER purchased. Really good. Farmart is awesome! You won't regret it."
Zorion Fionntan
Founder of Nickymart
"We can't understand how we've been living without
Farmart. Absolutely wonderful! I don't know what else to say. Great job, I will definitely be ordering again!"
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Frequently Asked Questions.
Here are some common questions about selling on Farmart. For more question, please contact us
How do fees work on Farmart?
It’s easy to set up a shop on Farmart. Create an Martfury account (if you don’t already have one), set your shop location and
currency, choose a shop name, create a listing, set a payment method (how you want to be paid), and finally set a billing method (how you want to pay your Farmartfees).
What do I need to do to create a shop?
It’s easy to set up a shop on Farmart. Create an Martfury account (if you don’t already have one), set your shop location and
currency, choose a shop name, create a listing, set a payment method (how you want to be paid), and finally set a billing method (how you want to pay your Farmartfees).
How do I get paid?
It’s easy to set up a shop on Farmart. Create an Martfury account (if you don’t already have one), set your shop location and
currency, choose a shop name, create a listing, set a payment method (how you want to be paid), and finally set a billing method (how you want to pay your Farmartfees).
Do I need a credit or debit card to create a shop?
It’s easy to set up a shop on Farmart. Create an Martfury account (if you don’t already have one), set your shop location and
currency, choose a shop name, create a listing, set a payment method (how you want to be paid), and finally set a billing method (how you want to pay your Farmartfees).
What can I sell on Farmart?
It’s easy to set up a shop on Farmart. Create an Martfury account (if you don’t already have one), set your shop location and
currency, choose a shop name, create a listing, set a payment method (how you want to be paid), and finally set a billing method (how you want to pay your Farmartfees).